
The season of long, warm days and sunshine is nearly here, and we are inspired by delicious classic foods we love to eat while stretched out on a blanket in the cool grass. We don’t know about you, but one of those foods is potato chips! Crunchy, salty and just…classically craveable. We turned the beloved potato chip into something magical - we hope you’re here for it. Also, we are entering into unexplored waters for us - using non-alcoholic wine on one of our flavors. You may or may not know, but we are a dry company, meaning we don’t use any alcohol in our ice cream. But in the most recent years, there have been some exceptional dealcoholized wines popping up, and we are so excited to get to make one of our favorite summer drinks into a sherbet - SANGRIA! We can’t wait for you to try it. And we can’t let summer pass by without celebrating one of our most magical and special Pacific Northwest berries - the blackberry. Who doesn’t love a blackberry bake at a summer picnic!? We hope you find the spirit of Summer in these flavors, and find yourself celebrating every. single. day. You deserve it.

*Please note - The Picnic Box may only be shipped by itself with flat-rate shipping. If added to another 4 pint bundle, there will be an additional fee.* 

Flavors in the Box:

Summer Sangria: A sangria sherbet made with strawberries, pineapple and orange and n/a red wine. The red wine is locally bottled by Joyus, a n/a wine company.

Blackberry Bake: A basil infused ice cream with blackberry jam and gems of herbed shortbread throughout.

Potato Chip Caramel Crunch: A potato chip ice cream with ribbons of caramel and salty chocolate covered potato chip clusters.

Take and Bake Cookie Dough: Our famous dairy free, gluten free, gooey chocolate chip cookies. Now available to bake in your own home or eat raw! 
